Tokyo the Metropolitant

I was totally exhausted by the time i reached tokyo, it's already 9pm... It has been really tiring and i took absolutely AGES to find my hostel. its a bit rush because i had to check in before 10pm... again, the mrt route in tokyo make me headache !! its freezing at night, all in all a very looooooong day! i had a good night sleep~
This was the first time i got my own room, a very tiny private room... 2m x 2m... haha, i could not hardly believe it. everything is small in japan. but i love it here so far...everyone is so polite and friendly, streets are very clean, convenient stores are surprisingly fun and food is decent. people take time out to have lunch together.... everything is so kawaii (cute), vending machines everywhere, its new and exciting !!
i went shopping the next day--let me tell you, the shopping here is unreal. it's unending... neighbourhood by neighbourhood. you could literally spend several days shopping in SHIBUYA alone..... and GINZA, SHINJUKU as's OVERWHELMING. oh my god~~ and the electric city IN AKIHABARA, i spend almost half a day to look at the cameras and mobile phones ... it's very cheap if you buy in duty free shop.
Foods are cheap compare to osaka and kyoto. i found 180 yen ramen !?!!? udons at 280 yen... mrt fares are cheaper too...
i shop like crazy on my last day in tokyo, and i got only half a day to do my shopping. but unluckily, shopping centers in tokyo are only open at 10am and close at flight back to shanghai is at 4.55pm (6 May)...... it takes more than an hour to reach Narita Airport from my hostel...